Nov 14, 2009


I'm gonna make this one short. I've been working at my job for 2 1/2 years. Got married a little over a year ago. Gave birth to our new baby 5 months ago. I have been exhausted. I hate to admit it, but my home's been not-so-good-lookin'. Hugo works too. He works 40 hrs, I work 30 hrs. Combined we make more than enough to live off, without any luxuries, of course. I don't need to work anymore. Why strain myself and become a bitter wife or woman in my early 40's later on? We need a real life we can call our own. I made up my mind about work because Hugo agreed, besides, he got a good offer on a new job 1 hour south of where we currently live. It's good for him, he deserves something else. We'd move far away from our families. Not so good as far as realtive ties go, but better for us as a newly married couple still. I mean, seriously, 1 year is not enough to establish a solid communication, mutual friends (especially with family so close), time alone, outings, a shared respect, mutual decisions, and so forth. We have three choices for Hugo as far as jobs go: American General Finance, Wells Fargo, and Federal Buildings. They're all great. He's getting confused and too many people are giving their opinion in our needs. What to do? What to do? Times running short. Our lease is up at the end of November. He gave his two week notice and ends this FRIDAY. Oh, whoa is me. Oh well. Just gotta keep praying and doing my best to help. The answer will come, I know it will. It always does.

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