Aug 1, 2011


So, my mother, in all honesty, brought this to my attention in July and wanted me to take advantage of it.  Being from California, where museums are abundant and free/cheap/worth every penny...I naturally get a little bored with the so few options out here in Utah.  Fortunately, September 25th is the Smithsonian's 6th annual museum day!!! As such, 1,500 participating museums around the country are celebrating the fact and giving away FREE admission...Yayyyy!!  Al you have to do is look up a participating museum near you! That EASY.

The following is brought to you by the Smithsonian, an amazing circulating magazine and wonderful museum in Washington, DC I have yet to visit , so too the state I yet have to travel...then again, I have lots of travel dreams. Anyways, you can follow the following links for all the details and just some extra stuff I wanted to post to pour out my crush on you for this organization:

FREE museum admission ticket per household. Get yours ahead of time and plan ahead!
Smithsonian Magazine
Smithsonian Institution with 20 museums!
Smithsonian channel with info on technology, artifacts, discoveries and MORE
...and if you live near/in Washington, DC
Job opportunities

I for one, love working in museums because you get to be the one to be behind the scenes for special exhibitions, get to meet famous sponsors and people be surrounded by amazing finding and information, share it with others aloud, and sometimes get special discounts for surrounding associations, groups, organizations and museums.  What could be BETTER?!

So, take your kids out, and enjoy one special day with them exploring something different.  Trust me, they'll remember it forever ☺ I definitely remember seeing so many new and exiting things growing up in California and I'm grateful my mother took the time to take her 8 children, including myself, on outings such as these.  Trust me, I want to do exactly the same for mine.

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