Apr 12, 2011

Hugo's birthday!

Here are some few pictures of my husband's birthday this past Monday night.  We had visitors come until almost 9pm, and so we made the best of it and had fun :-) 

Overall, my hubby says he loved it all.  I gave him 3 bags of snacks as well to take to work and made him a poster of an earlier posted collage.  I had so much fun counting down to the days of his special day and I tried to make him feel extra special.  I made just desserts that were healthy and from scratch.  The only thing I did not make for the cake was it's base and I topped it with mashed up bananas, pineapple slices, and strawberries.  The cupcakes were made of wheat flour, low-sugar, no oil, vanilla, and 1 egg.  I had made a few more batches of chocolate cupcakes, but they burned...I'm horrible at baking, but I love using fresh ingredients instead for desserts.  Lucky for me, my husband is trying to start healthier habits so I finally had the advantage of using my better skills for desserts.  

The funniest part of this all was that Andrew, my little boy, blew out the candle for the first time!  I've been practicing for his birthday, but he tested it at my husband's birthday.  My husband and I were still touched to see him be so exited about it.  Well, in total my husband heard the birthday song about 3 times that day from, me at 12am, my family over the phone on the evening, and his family coming over later that night.  How often do you turn 25?  That's right, I think every birthday is special and celebrates another year of experiences and life itself.  Let's never forget the important people in our lives, and their very equally special days celebrating the day of their birth into this world.

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