Check It Out

May 31, 2011

I'm back!

Well, the vacation was a much needed break and I still had stress about work and and other things.  I guess I stress too much sometimes because I tend to be a perfectionist to a certain point and yet I'm laid back as well....does that make any sense? Well, probably not, but I understand it :-)

Well I had a TON of fun and I am missing my family so much already.  My son's birthday is coming up in less than 2 weeks and we got all the decorations in California.  We also went to the shopping district in downtown Los Angeles and I had so many memories come back to me!  We even got to witness a movie being shot their with extras and all.  The best thing I think of it all, was being able to go to church and see an amazing person talk.  We were privileged to be instructed by Dieter F. Uchtdorf, an LDS leader in the presidency in the worldwide Mormon church.  It was great!  He was so simple and so nice and even though I had to walk out and go to the mother's room while he spoke, I even got closer because the mother's room was slightly behind the pulpit where he spoke from.  By the way, I absolutely LOVE and MISS the kind, genuine, humble, and honest people from there.  I saw so many familiar faces and felt so loved and at home.  Everyone there is an example of hard work and faith.  I loved that my dad tried to take us to the beach, chasing the sunset and finally just finding a parking spot in Malibu beach so that I could take my beach pictures the night before we left California.  There was so much and we saw and experienced so much as well.  Most of all, I got to stay with my beloved family.  It's hard to think that they are so far away now, but I know it's part of life.  I guess it would be easier if it were just Hugo and I on our own with the baby, but I guess my husband still needs some time to get detached from his family, not in a bad way, just to be more independent so we can grow stronger.  Overall though, I loved that I could be so close to the beach, had great weather, bought more more affordable groceries, visited museums and just enjoyed myself.  Andrew, my soon-to-be 2 year old, had a complete blast with my little brothers and even called out for them while dreaming in the car on our drive sweet!

Now, back to my life in Utah and working hard to be a good mom, wife, music teacher, Young Women's ward leader, photographer, and always be an ever-improving person.  I do have to say though, that the ride back was the longest road trip in my life, but on a very good note, Hugo finally got promoted to management at work :-)

Here's what I've been working on lately:

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