Check It Out

May 29, 2011

I will be temporarily out!

I'm going on vacation!!! wooooo hooooo!!!!!

I'll be in California enjoying some nice weather for a change and also helping my family move out :-(  I'm sad they're leaving, but I hope we can catch up to them VERY soon.  I would LOVE to go back and live the rest of my life with my small family out there so we can get growing a lil' more.

Wish me the best and I hope to be able to share all the wonderful experiences we live and the sweet, but sour goodbyes I shall say to my family will sure be felt...*tear, I'm feeling it already.  I love them so, so much and they have been an incredible support to me even though they are so conservative and respectful, they love and know just know how to be there for me.  I will miss them a ton!...beyond words!

As soon as I get back, I will return to bloggin' and updates on the rest of my blogs too.  BYEEeee!

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