Check It Out

Feb 18, 2012

It's a GIRL!

I don't recall if I was able to show some of my new baby's ultrasound pictures.  If not, here it is: (I have even lower memory intake lately, I blame the pregnancy!!!)

Well, so far I keep thinking about the name and what-not, but then I thought to myself, " You're just shy of 5 months left, why not relax, focus on the move to California, enjoy Andrew and maybe browse ideas for princess' theme and colors." So I searched and searched, more like quickly scanned, and found some lovely ideas.  Though the hot bright messes and pastel colors are both popular and common choices, I wanted a different approach.  I've always liked fairies, not Disney, just classic and garden type.

So below I'm showing what the feel is mostly and some adorable outfits I found real quick too.  Starting from the top right and going clockwise: A personalized Fairy Growth Chart, Fairy Booties (classic), a Baby Fairy Dress (isn't she adorable?!?!?), some Fairy Giggle Dust in a bottle for decoration sealed, a Pewter Bubble Wand with 3 stars, and a yellow Fairy Costume, a magical Fairy Flower Staff, and topped with a Fairy Flower Garland on her hair.
All of these items can be found online at boutique store. Sign up for a FREE catalog!
I love flowers, and much more when they're given to me ;-) so I think this is something that works well for tiny, little. angelic newborns, especially one I plan to make a home with too.  Then I thought of colors: Well, I love gray (such a neutral color) and like pink, but also like the happiness of yellow too. So I came up with this for a color scheme:

I know the colors aren't common, which is what I'm all about and I love a challenge, especially one that makes me appreciate everything more.

So this is it for now.  I need to get back to my moving-out-life with boxes and clothes that keeps shrinking when I try them on...I wonder why :-)  I love being pregnant mind you, simply because my husband becomes very sweet and caring and tender and touchy and...well you get the picture.  It becomes excessive sometimes, but I love it! Plus, he buys me anything I want at this stage.  I'm not much of a craver though mostly nauseous, and I don't think it's all true since I never experienced constant cravings with my first pregnancy. Mostly you either lean towards either salty or sweet foods.  This one is sweet and I love fruits and fresh salads without dressing or anything, just crunchy and fresh.

Got to go!  I hope I can update again in the future since I love to write, create collages, do anything creative.  Online is my only tangible source for now, so it helps me out :-)

PS. Can't wait t make her vintage flowers, paint her tiny nails, and fix her soft hair!!!

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