Nov 12, 2011

A beautiful family truth!

Here's 2 quotes I found that I absolutely love, which I dedicate to my supportive parents for giving me this example:

Family is what grounds you.
 - ANGELINA JOLIE, interview, Jun. 13, 2001

Focus on your marriage. Because that's the nucleus of the home, whatever you do to restore its health and strength will naturally restore what's broken among the other relationships. If you have no children yet, this will make a comfortable nest for them to begin life well. If you have children, the changes you make in your marriage will affect the rest of the household more quickly and dramatically than you think. 
 -CHARLES R. SWINDOLL, Marriage: From Surviving to Thriving
I have parents that love each other, like for real! They love us (their children) and they support me in my endeavors and let me fall down to learn on my wasn't always that way, but they too had to learn and when they learn something they act on it, not just keep it as knowledge.  They guided me and then watched me walk away into my own life, keeping to themselves and really letting me learn valuable lessons and truths that no parent can try to force into the mind of a growing child and less into a growing young adult.  I've learned of the good and the bad in life, though I have so much more to learn, I know I can say I was blessed to have parents that let me learn...they taught me to be receptive, honest, true, strong, not gossip, dedicated, just, cultivate my talents, to discover and never stop learning...and taught me important life skills that I actually use like cooking, socializing, manners, emphasis on education, cleaning, love of music and art and to have a genuine interest in the well-being of others without judgement, but to instead love, understand, and serve.

As I grew up at home, I knew that life wasn't perfect, but I knew I always had a mom and dad that loved me very much because I saw the love they had for each other.  They made it look so easy!  Yeah, they would disagree at times, but then made it a hilarious joke and would end up teasing each other at the end.  They always had date night!  We would make their patience run out, but they apologized for being frustrated and would talk to us about our lives no matter the amount of time it took out of their day.  They had/have family councils to let every member in the family express something and make plans.  I would sometimes hear them talking in their room late at night if there was an issue that needed resolving, and I would hear them pray.  They were interested in knowing who our friends were and cared to see us not get hurt.  They would cry...when we would feel alone...they knew us all to well.  When now I'm feeling down, I don't even have to tell them why, they just comfort and love...they remind me of my worth, my purpose and give me strength. To this day, I don't know how they did/do it all: 8 children, church callings (bishopric, stake, youth leader, etc), bills, teenagers, school, meetings, and they still have children in elementary that will have to go through years of growing before they can be on their own.  Just thinking about it all takes a toll on me!

Now, as a mother and wife I have only but to apply what I've been taught.  Life is harder than when you're living at home with your parents.  Life is challenging, yet lovely.  It can break you and you have to learn to rebuild yourself without a soul to comfort you at times.   Sometimes I give into the small things in life that others may take lightly, but then I feel horrible inside and have to quickly re-adjust because...I should know better.  I guess I can be hard on myself, but I recognize I'm human with weaknesses, but that's no excuse to not do the right thing.  My comfort comes from only relying on my Heavenly Father.  I know He loves me and He helps me.  That's also something that my parents let me learn on my own and so I have a burning testimony that it's true.

I'm not ashamed to let the world know I love my Mami and Papi.  Afterall, they gave a lot of themselves for me :-)

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