Oct 24, 2011

"Keeping up with the Joneses" in Utah

I read an article today about why people buy...here's a direct quote:

"To keep up with the Joneses – there are Joneses in everybody’s lives" 

This infuriated me because I see it! Now I don't know about you, but I'm the type that doesn't even give a glance to the Jones family in a neighborhood or community, I just don't don't care what everybody else has. I care more about what people don't have and what I can do to help, which is the main reason that my small, sole proprietorship businesses, generate very little money to me, but I give them all my best to provide in situations which cannot be reached otherwise.  Keep in mind that I grew up in a very different environment than Utah, which was California, yet I am, what the general population in the US has tagged as, Mormon.  I have a very strong testimony about why I participate in and try to live my religion...I know it to be true!

Perhaps because I know all this I never focused on material things or possessions.  I utilize money in a way to ONLY provide more for my family or enrich my life.  I can go walking all through a department store (even 4 or 5) and still buy nothing.  My husband on the other hand, is very different.  He loves to shop.  I know I can easily trace this to both our parents and how we were raised, for I still see this in action on both sides.  

Now, on to YOU keeping up with the Jones.  For those that don't know who the Joneses are, here is a quick definition:"Keeping up with the Jonesesis an idiom in many parts of the English-speaking world referring to the comparison to one's neighbor as a benchmark for social rank or the accumulation of material goods. To fail to "keep up with the Joneses" is perceived as demonstrating socio-economic or cultural inferiority.

I'm sure you understand it by now.  So, why? Don't fall into the mistake of trying to accumulate just to appear a certain way, nor to appeal to people.  I cannot repeat this too much, YOU ARE AMAZING JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!  You don't need a brand new car to show that.  You don't need a bigger home to be happier.  You don't need a certain brand of clothing so that others can see how beautiful you are.  You don'd need a certain latest gadget to appear smarter or sassier than that one person who can't seem to understand the necessity of it....believe me, all you've done is been a victim of marketing psychological tactics and ultimately made someone else richer.

I see the maintenance of appearances a lot and people fall into this regimen of "keeping up" so much and want it so badly, that they just forget about everything else even though they know what's important.  I've seen people lose homes, declare bankruptcy, get in tremendous debt, still go out on vacations, tummy tucks, buy $100 or more in one pair of shoes, barely having enough to cover utility bills, poor health care coverage in jobs, and still go out and get a recreational vehicle.  The worst part of this to me is that children in these homes will most likely carry with them these tendencies and trends, wanting the new things, needing the latest, appearing the best, and ultimately feeling more pressure, depression, and anxiety.  In the end, people try to live identical lives and sweep the rest away under a rug.

No matter where you live, the happiness of your family does not depend on location, it depends on you.

It's no wonder that these reports are so sad to even share, but better to know than not to know, I always say.  On a random note, I do love the scenery here and I like the change of season that clearly is seen in the leaves outside.  Besides that, these are only a few of the underlying issues:
Utah Foundation Executive Summary: Utah's Alarming Bankruptcy Problem which still remains true to today.

Utah's Education Funding Efforts: State Faces Long-Term Challenges
Educational Attainment: Utah Falling behind National Trends
KSL Report "Studies show Utah is Most Depressed"
Adolescent Pregnancy in Utah one of the lowest in nation, make up 11% of state births, one of highest of placing babies into adoption in nation. US being the highest in the world with 3 out of every 100 live births given to adoption :-(

Well, I kinda feel bad sharing all this...after all, I don't like sad news.  Just like other states have their downsides too, then I think I just wanted to shed some light on matters.  Like I said before: "No matter where you live, the happiness of your family does not depend on location, it depends on you."

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