Check It Out

Oct 24, 2011

Fajitas (no oil)

This is simple and you will LOVE it as much as your loved ones will too.  Here's what to do:
Cut fresh cherry tomatoes, or any tomatoes really into dice-sized cubes...don't focus on shape because it'll all get deformed when it cooks.  Use about 1/2 cup total.
Slice up some nice green bell pepper and rinse away the seeds. Slice up some onion too, it doesn't matter what kind as long as it's just enough to fit in your hand as you cup it...nicely diced.

The next steps I did not photograph because I was doing this dish in a rush for my hubby's lunch so I will elaborate ;-)

Cut up your chicken (nicely cleaned) and sprinkle with salt, light cumin. Also, just spray PAM (or any other healthy alternative non-stick spray) onto your pan.  Cook slow on meduim high not burn the chicken and to prevent this you must pour in water and cover to let it all cook in it's own delicious juices frequently checking and lightly pouring more water if it dries.  If your pieces are small enough, your chicken will not take long to cook.

Meanwhile, heat up some torillas on the side.  I found some dark corn tortillas and they taste just like the regular ones too!

Once chicken is cooked, not PINK, then add the bell pepper, onion slices and tomatoes.  This will exude an enticing and true mexican aroma in your kitchen. Keep cooking lightly...This should just take about 15min now and your ready to serve.

Turns out that my husband didn't even know the difference and LOVED it!!! NO leftovers!

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