Check It Out

Sep 27, 2011

5 Forget-Me-Not tips for life

This was all inspired and paraphrased from a talk given by Dieter F. Uchtdorf from the LDS presidency and Relief Society Worldwide General Conference.  As Woman, we were reminded to value ourselves and that our Heavenly Father loves us ever so much.  We are strong and we are chosen to lead our families, the greatest responsibility in the face of the raise your children to walk their life on their own :-)  Among many other great and amazing talks given during the session, this is a fun and simple one I loved.  See the image below for a visual of a forget-me-not flower.  Five petals, five forget-me-nots:
1.  Forget not to be patient with yourself.
   DON"t spend so much time comparing yourself to others and celebrate your efforts.
2.  Forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice.
   Give up something good for something of far greater worth, never jeopardizing your family time. Ask if you're committing your time and energy to the things that matter most.
3.  Forget not to be happy now.
   Stop desperately yearning for your golden ticket (perfect marriage, stress-free life, money and riches, etc). Look at what you have, do not miss the tiny wonders around you...the daily moments of sweetness.
4.  Forget not the WHY of the gospel.   Don't see the gospel and work therein as a list of more stress you will add to YOUR life and do not focus on HOW to do things, but WHY.  Remember why you committed to having that light and joy in your life.
5.  Forget not that the Lord loves you.
   You are not forgotten...wherever you are, whoever you are.  No matter how dark your day may seem, nor how overshadowed you may think you are, nor how many mistakes you make...He loves you!  You are his child.

There is so much more to this and all the talks.  If you're interested in listening to these talks, just check out the LDS webpage if you're a member.  If you're not a member yet, then you can check out MORMON.ORG

1 comment:

  1. I have a wallpaper with some things to remember on it. I will add these too.
