Check It Out

Aug 14, 2011

Young Women's Friendship box

So, the girls in our ward are great, just I'm sure every leader thinks of her own girls!  In June, they all went to Girl's Camp together, then to the pioneer Trek and they all got so close to each was touching.  So, to keep motivating them to continue their friendships without boundaries, and stop the unfortunate habit of creating groups, I created the friendship box.  In Spanish, la caja de amistad

I pretty much made it from my son'd old shoe box, covered it with scrapbook paper, added the value colors in jems, and put in ALL their names, one by one with their phone number.

The purpose is to make sure they k.i.t. with each other always.  So, each Sunday, during announcements, we have one girl pick out a name randomly from the box.  We started the first time with the eldest girl in YW.  She then has to "hang out" with the girls she picked out at least once during the week. Church activities do not count, and they do not have to go spend money.  It can be something simple like, bake the other girl cookies, study together, or if they can (within their own means) go out and see a movie.  The purpose is to make sure they get to know each other and see how much they have in common.  Then, the girl who was picked OUT of the box, picks a name.  If the girl who was picked out is innactive (since ALL girls are included) and she cannot pick a name for herself, then we go with the 2nd oldest young lady.  It's fun and encourages them to stay together, sharing fears or likes and dislikes.  That's what church is about sometimes, being one.

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