Check It Out

Aug 27, 2011


Here's something interesting!

I was walking down the isles in our closest grocery store and buying some milk we ran out of and so I took a little stroll since my hubby stayed home with our baby.  I liked the time I had for myself, even if it was to buy food.  So, I walked up to the magazine isle and looked over the magazines.  The one that best caught my eye was this one!!!

As you may know, I like to make NEW of the OLD.  I had never seen this magazine before so I went home and remembered the cover and side names and titles to look up in the web.  Turns out this magazine released their first issue late August!!  SO NEW! I am super exited for it and it's darling editors.  It takes a lot of time and work to make something like this happen!  The magazine is packed with beautiful ideas, finds, and tips.  It is one-of-a-kind and I will be one to buy from them asap.   YAY!!!

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