Check It Out

Jul 15, 2011

NEW lens!

So, I forgot to mention that last I was in Los Angeles, I bought a very large zoom lens at a great deal in downtown.  It's a Nikkor 70-300mm G.  I LOVE how close I can get to things without having to go so far and get a bigger picture just as quickly by zooming out! I use pure manual focus all the time now and so it's tons of fun.

Well, yesterday I got a Nikkor 50mm f/1.8 D and I have to say it is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!! All the raves and reviews on it are 4.5 and above out of 5, so I definitely went for it.  Everyone apparently loves it very much and I have to say that I join that fan club.  It's amazing quality for a fraction of the cost of any other lens in the same category.  You don't break the bank and I'm having so much fun testing it out before I have another photo session to shoot this weekend.  Oh, it'll be great!!!!

Here's a review on the specifics from the Ken Rockwell site.  His details are spot-on and I rely heavily on what he has to say about lenses before I buy.

I'm definitely loving all my lenses right now!!!

EEeeeeeeek! I'm squealing for joy because I'm get on to playing with them more and my son doesn't mind being the subject for attention!

Later peoples!!

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