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Jul 5, 2011

Home-made Cleaning tips

Have you ever had to clean and clean and clean...and clean?  It never ends!  Can you imagine the harsh chemicals constantly seeping into your skin? Even if you wear gloves, a thin layer of that chemical residue will stay on surfaces and rub off on you and even your kids!  Now, you may think that's no big deal because it's "clean", but the truth is, it's just removed dirt and applied a layer of something toxic.  I'm sure you wouldn't expose your family or yourself to a plant that makes these chemical cleaners...if it's not safe to throw it outside into your lawn, then why use inside?  So, I Here are some easy cleaning mixtures I use and get results.  I wrote these down the same year I married my husband and still use them when I deep clean every week.
Window treatment:  Mix 2 quarts warm water with 1/2 cup cornstarch. Apply with a sponge and buff dry for sparkling windows and mirrors.
For sinks: Baking soda is an excellent choice because it is a mild abrasive. Mix 1 cup baking soda with 1/2 cup borax and sprinkle in the sink. The mixture won't scratch the finish, cleans beautifully, and as a bonus, it also deodorizes the plumbing.

Now, another very USEFUL ingredient, VINEGAR!!!
Cleaning with vinegar:
1. Cleaning drains Pour 1/2 cup baking soda in the drain, followed by 1/2 cup vinegar; the mixture will foam as it cleans and deodorizes. Use every few weeks to keep drains clean.
2. Mildew on plastic shower curtains Put the shower curtain in the washing machine with light-colored towels; add 1 cup white vinegar to the detergent and wash.
3. Soap scum on shower Spray on vinegar, scrub and rinse.
4. Toilet hard-water rings Shut off water at the tank and flush to remove as much water as possible. Spray vinegar on the ring, sprinkle in borax and scrub with drywall sandpaper.
5. Showerhead deposits Pour white vinegar into a plastic bag, tape to the showerhead and leave overnight. Brush the showerhead to remove remaining deposits.
6. Softening laundry Fill dispenser with 1/4 cup white vinegar to soften laundry without leaving odors.
7. Cleaning vinyl floors Add 1/4 cup vinegar to 1 gallon hot water for spotless floors.
8. Cleaning windows Mix 50 percent white vinegar with 50 percent water in a spray bottle. Spray glass surfaces and wipe dry.
9. Neutralize pet odors Mix 1 part white vinegar to 3 parts water. Pour on stained areas and blot; never rub to remove stains and odors.
10. Greasy dishes Mix 2 tablespoons white vinegar to liquid dish soap to boost its cleaning power.

Go on, this is safe enough for newborns!  You'll be clean and safe ;-)

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