Check It Out

May 18, 2011

Playing before the horrible rain returned

So, I had to go grocery shopping one day last week and I was really lovin' the sun outside so I decided to take a small detour with my little one...well two. We first went to the library and checked out books, then we went to the nicest and closest park to us and since I carry my camera around almost everywhere, I took some pictures of my little one having fun.  He loved the slides and I loved that I could read a few pages every now and again while looking up to make sure he was okay.  The park was completely reserved just for us, it seemed and the sun was warm enough to make your skin feel hot, but not too hot.  There was a really fresh breeze and local workers were working along the trail surrounded by bushes and tall, yet thin trees.  In the end, my child got a little battle wound from the fun on his knee, luckily I always carry wipes, disinfectant and kisses :-)

Here are some of my favorite pictures we got to take and we also ate some fruits and drank plenty of water.  I had also taken a container with leftover pasta from the night before and even that seemed to taste so whimsical:

I tried to help him look upward to other marvels, bu the preferred staying down to earth I guess ;-)

his little scrape, hardly noticeable, but it happened on the cement as he ran away from me.   It was fun!

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