Check It Out

Apr 7, 2011

While I'm sick...

So, there are a few things I want to share with you all while I'm still sick, which I must admit I've been really careless due to denial.  I was feeling kinda down and weak, but as a mom, I tried to push my body and keep going strong mentally, but my body screamed otherwise last night at about 4am when I awoke to a tight chest, no voice, dry mouth, and nausea that made me run to the bathroom and let it all out.  I immediately washed my mouth because I hate the smell of vomit, yes, even my child's, and then did some quick home remedies that my dad always gave us to help out and the results were instant, but I must keep taking care of myself to actually fight off this virus trying to bring me down.  My voice still has not returned fully, but I feel better.  So, about getting better, here a few quick tips that always help me:

1 lemon or lime: every 2-4 hours
Slice it and squeeze out the pure juice into any cup.  Gargle a bit at a time for 10 seconds long(ea) until everything is gone.  It stings because it's killing infections in your throat in that moment and I've noticed that brings down any swelling.  After you're done, your throat feels 10 times improved.

ALJ: every 2-4 hours
Take a tablespoon's worth and that's it.  It loosens up any mucus in your lungs, cleaning it out and fighting bad bacteria.  I use the Nature Sunshine brand, but I'm sure there are other brands you can find at your local health food store.

Natural honey: every 2-4 hours
Take one tablespoon and feel it soothe away the soreness in your throat.

Hot water: every 2-4 hours
Usually I boil a bit of water and let it cool just enough to drink and squeeze pure lemon or lime into it and drink it down.  It instantly soothes my aching throat and chest and the heat also opens up my nasal passage a bit.  It also alleviates nausea.

Garlic softgels (odorless are available): every 2-4 hours
I always take these no matter what sickness my body is trying to fight off.

Betacarotene Softgels: 2 times daily
I take 2 softgels to help replenish my body's healing efficiency and quality of healing.

Even though bed rest is the number 1 thing to do, sometimes as a mom, it's impossible, but the 2nd thing that goes hand-in-hand with bed rest is liquids and NO food for at least 24 hours.  Doctors always recommend drinking plenty of fluid, preferably water and pedialite for children.  Now, not eating lets your body focus on taking care of any virus or infection trying to take over and not digesting food instead, though tradition suggests soup, it only temporarily soothes and mentally heals you, but the virus can linger and bring you down even harder soon after or years later.  Our minds are very powerful and though it can literally pick you up, you need to really fix the problem by letting your organs rest in order to battle from within and expels toxins properly on it's own.  As a society, we want quick results and pop in pills, but that suppresses sickness, not eliminating it, resulting in further compressing toxins in your body that lead to inevitable diseases in the long run.  Truth be told, your body knows how long it needs to recuperate and though science can create results, nature (which your body is part of) gets results in it's own way when we know how to help it along.

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