Check It Out

Apr 4, 2011

That's a wrap!

I've been back now for about a week and have I had such a great response to business inquiries for my music lessons and photography.

First, here are some pictures I took while I was at Guatemala:

Now, the trip itself was pretty eye-opening.  I loved the richness of the culture and enjoyed myself quiet a bit too.  My husband was in a very good mood and I tribute that to needing the vacation in the first place.  We all needed a break from electronics, stress, work, and just breathe.

Ahhhh, the views there were amazing and sometimes surreal.  I truly came to realize how much people need help in their life and money...not for luxury, but out of pure neccesity.  I learned much about how politicians from such poor countries are power-hungry and uninterested in their people.  Many people we came accross were somehow being opressed by gangs and other more controlling groups.  There were militia almost at every intersection with rifles and major stores had security also posted with rifles being flung from shoulders and their straps.  While we traveled and walked most of the time, there were local people following us all around offering their trinkets and what-nots.  In one particular case, two 10-year olds, came up to our car and offered us key-chains near the Tikal Ruins...I felt such a strong urge to ask them where their parents were, that they should be at home enjoying their childhood, or at least thinking about what they want to be when they grow up.  They offered their suveneirs from very worn out backpacks and their eyes were so wide-eyed and hopeful, waiting to see what would be bought and tried to be friendlier and more open so they can stand out more and sell more.  At that moment, Hugo and I only had enough to buy one key-chain...I wanted to buy everything they had, just to help them, but we couldn't, so as soon as I bought one, I thanked them both very much and hugged Hugo, hiding my face because my eyes started to glaze.  As we sat in the car, I softly sobbed as I heard them keep asking everyone else in the car what they wanted to buy, calling out the animal names of small, carved-out figurines dangling from key-chains.  We all needed to get home since it was just before sunset so we took off...and it seemed ever so slowly that we departed them to me.  As I heard their voices still offering as we drove away, I looked up and caught a glimpse of them looking still at our vehicle driving away and could only think of my little boy.

I feel so grateful for living in a country that has so many opportunities.  I am grateful for not feeling opressed by our government.  I know there are bad politicians everywhere, and we are not exempt, but we are still VERY blessed to have resources and help at our disposal with the freedo of expression and not living in fear.  I am glad for the opportunities my parents gave me to get a higher education, to learn, explore, and discover what good the world had to offer.  I am glad I can be able to teach my son the importance of literature, art, and self-discovery as I was taught by my very good mother.  I am grateful for so much more and can only be even more grateful for the new situations I am faced with to keep growing and sharing my little bit of acquirings with others.

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