Apr 12, 2011

Napolitan Flan

This recipe was given to me by my mother and is quite simple.  She says it's also common for Latina women to make flan this way.  It is called Napolitan Flan because than flan itself uses only 3 ingredients.  I for one, LOVE flan!

3 eggs
1 can of condensed milk
1 can of evaporated milk
Molasses or Brown Sugar ( I uses the brown sugar because I don't have molasses right now.
Vanilla Extract (optional)
2 ovenware pans, one small round or small square along with a bigger rectangular one (one needing to FIT inside the bigger one, could be glass or metal for either)
Cooking Spray

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.  In the blender, whip up the eggs, and both cans of milk until the top is frothy.  (Optional)You can also add a teaspoon of vanilla while mixing.
2.  Spray the smaller ovenware lightly on bottom and all sides and then sprinkle the brown sugar in a light layer OR drizzle Molasses as evenly as possible.
3.  Pour in your blended and and whipped mixture of the flan and set this small ovenware inside the empty,non-coated and bigger ovenware.  Very gently, fill in the rest of the free space with water from your sink with a cup until your flan lightly floats or is is about to fill up the larger ovenware.
4.  This part is tricky: Pick up the water-filled and flan-floating ovenware and place in the middle of your oven rack.  Let it cook for 40 minutes to an hour checking every 20 minutes, it all depends of the amount of water used, material, and shape of your pans.  The top will become a deep brown, it's ok.  This is not going to be seen and the bottom will be...you'll see.
5.  Finally, remove your floating flan from the oven with the larger ovenware still underneath.  Gently lift the flan off an let it cool for 30 min or more.  Make sure it's not hot for the next step.
6.  Grab the big sih you'll be serving this from and lay it upside down and on top of the flan still in the small ovenware and while holding it tightly, flip it around to let the flan slide off onto the platter or plate.  Now, serve.
Buen provecho! Enjoy!

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