Check It Out

Apr 25, 2011

It's not as bad as you think.

Tofu:  a great way to get a high-protein punch in your system without eating the fat.

Many people out there think of tofu as a limiting ingredient and avoid it unless it's in Chinese take-out.  Well, I know for a fact that it can be delicious!!  Whenever you cook tofu, you have to think of it as a meat and cook it as such.  Add what you like to flavor your meat with, or just lightly sautee it too.  Whatever you want to do, try it.  I know tofu is more expensive than regular meat, but I'd rather spend a few cents extra on a healthy ingredient today than spend hundreds when retirement approaches and I need pills or operations.  Weight your options always, pinching and saving is good, but not at the welfare of your health.

I usually just cook my tofu right after I'm done cooking my husband's chicken and use the same seasonings as well.  It cooks so fast and, depending on what firmness you bought, it's very versatile.  I typically buy the extra firm packs to have more options in suateeing  and cutting or lightly stir frying it and plate it as I would prepare a dish with meat.  My son loves this too and I feel confident in knowing that his body is receiving doses of protein to help him grow stronger.

Don't be afrais or skeptical, try it!  Tratalo!

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