Check It Out

Apr 9, 2011

Connection Obsession

I know we all live in a very high tech society now a days, but the truth is, how much are we living through electronics and connections rather than living real life?  I once  read a wonderful talk by Elder David A. Bednar, titled Things as They Really Are, in the Liahona LDS magazine we subscribe to, and it was like I was struck in the face with a harsh realization.  I highly recommend reading it.  I loved it and I realized how we ultimately have the control of either living through connections or if we live to make real connections with real people.  I quote one of my favorite parts, " Sadly, some young men and young ignore “things as they really are” and neglect eternal relationships for digital distractions, diversions, and detours that have no lasting value." 

I never noticed how intense our sometimes "addictions" to these cyber lives can effect our overall effective human experience; it's misusing the true purpose of our physical bodies as well.  I can't sit for hours, mostly because of my hyper-active child, and lose myself in the Internet, but I realized that we don't have to be too submersed in it for it to take over, in some degree, the reality of reality.  I hope I'm making sense.  Elder Bednar explained this better than I.  Well, after reading his article, I have been working hard to limit my own time on the computer and even have set scheduled posts to limit my time and instead write ideas as they flow into my mind or write experiences as well for reflecting.  Writing helps me see clearer, let things flow out and Internet helps me learn, connect and expand my knowledge.  I plan to keep my relationship with Internet limited and real.  I have witnessed how people are so consumed by their Wi-Fi connections, iPhone, texts, facebook, Internet, and media wants to such a degree that I rarely see people sitting in public places just looking at the world in front of them.  Instead, everyone's faces are directed down to screens of some sort.  Why?  Sometimes it takes some time for others to get someone's attention that's entrapped in cells phones or media.  Cyber entrapment only stiffens our sensibility towards feelings and emotions.  Have you noticed it? 

Let's get better people.  Let's look at the world, our families and get back in touch with our senses.  Let's not let the opportunities of life pass us by as we give our somewhat addictions "5 more minutes."  I know my feelings have sometimes been hurt by people close to me ignoring the fact that human interaction is essential, that communication through talk is more important that staying up-to-date with other people's lives.  I tend to leave the computer on all day because of my photography business and for tutorials I follow along while I'm learning something new fro my home or self-enrichment, but I'm not perfect and sometimes I fall into the stride of clicking away.  I usually log onto facebook because I like to write, like I said earlier.  It's a good thing to write, but to get consumed in surfing the web or dulling my senses is bad.  Some days, I try not to turn the computer on, but there are many times I need to.  I'm striving, just like everyone out there, to be better.  It's hard, yes, but I have priorities and that's when Internet and electronics have no room to fill in the big picture.  It's all up to me.  I have the control, not a lifeless electronic.  I have a divine potential and I cannot waste the precious time in life that has been given to me.  When we want to see a change in something, no matter how big or small, it starts with us.  So, I need to be an example to my little one and show him that device enticement is not healthy nor a priority.

Well, until next time.  I've written to my little heart's content in the past 15 minutes and need to get back to finishing details on my husband's presents.  Like always, I love my life and opportunities I have had and will have soon and look forward to everything that my real life can offer.

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