Check It Out

Feb 24, 2011

Wow, free exercise videos that work for women!

So, I was going to out today in the morning again to walk, but the weather is really cold.  I would do it, but I  take my baby with me and I also have some bronchitis issues that return everytime I expose myself to extreme cold weather unneccesarily.  So, I really wanted some cardio done and I walked up and down our two story condo a few times until my legs gave in.  Guess what?  Even though my legs gave in, my body still had energy so I wanted to do one of my workout videos I have for home in DVDs...problem is: I'm so energetic from still going through my detox that those workouts just seem boring!  Well, to make things come to the end, I found a website hosted by a woman that has posted FREE videos to download on computer and save!  I used to see YouTube vids and then followed along, but it's so much better to see things on a TV screen and still have tons of space to use for exercise and have free hands. Besides, I have a DVD movie maker/converter I bought and I love making quick videos on it for my it's my turn to have a DVD.

I'm sharing this with you so that you can do it too or just take a look at everything she has to offer on health too.  She's pretty savvy and intense, so be prepared to really get out of your comfort zone and face the reality of food and health.

Workout Routines for Women by Rumi

This will also be a perma-link on my "sites I love" tab.

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