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Feb 21, 2011

My Needed Detox and Cleanse

So, I've been gaining some weight recently.  I know I don't eat wrong, like junk food or fast food, and I cook everything I eat, but...I'm very stressed.  Stress is our bodies enemy because it releases toxins into your bloodstream, as does anger and fear.  I've gotten married and I just worry about everyone else over me...but I love lovin'.

Anyway, I don't get panic attacks, but I do worry a lot.   Lately, it's  money.  I don't mind saying it because everyone worries about it, a lot.  Ever since I stopped "working" I've stepped back from that control panel and my hubby has made some regrettable decisions, but he fixes them if possible.  He's learning, and I just have to let him learn about how money management is also a partnership, whether or not I get a payroll.  I'm kind of a control-freak too and I love to make plans. Plans make the world go 'round, in a very organized way.  I also have an IUD as my contraceptive.  Unfortunately (we are all adults here) this makes me have a super heavy menstrual.  I need a Tampax and Maxi change every 2-3 hours for 5 days straight.  No light days.  Im' regular though.  So, I inevitably developed anemia.  Another thing, Andrew is super active and I've had to channel some of his brain's activity to reading and learning since he was a year, but he's a never-ending human circus.  He's been like that since he could walk.  Many are impressed he's not in his terrible twos yet.  I love him though!  Then, there's a Guatemala vacation my husband wants to take with his family, which means more money, and we have to take our baby too because his family says he needs to experience it.  I know he won't remember a single thing though, but I gotta go with the flow and enjoy the ride fully to avoid any unnecessary stress.  It seems I'm almost venting, but I'm not.  I use music and art for that, and recently running too.

So, what am I gonna do to remedy at least partial of the stress and get rid of toxin loads?  A cleansing of course and detoxification!  I used to do this all the time before I married and maintained my weight at a healthy 123-125lbs.  I'm no doctor, but my dad is a self-taught nutritionist and while he was reading and testing things for himself, I followed/read along since I was a female and so we compared differences in results after trying our individual experiences.  My mom was always so busy and I was at a peak of wanting to know more...I guess I still am, haha.  Well, after I was married I became pregnant and ended at 179lbs right before my baby was born a little earlier than expected, but healthy.  Now, I weight 132lbs.  You gotta realize I have big cheeks and a round face, so my weight can be seen instantly.  I am also very short, 5'2. Don't get me wrong, I love my body and myself, but I know when my body needs to start getting in gear again from the inside.

I love cleansing my body and going through a detox because it rejuvenates me and maintains my weight without sacrifices.  Of course, I don't eat much junk food anyway or fast food, but I can get away with eating almost anything I actually like.  The reason I used to maintain my weight was because I cleansed my body  every 3 months or so.  Our bodies are like cars, you need to tune them up and make sure things run good from the inside.  Otherwise, that's how you start to get problems and buildup of toxins your body can't tolerate and we are such beautiful creations that it's a waste to be careless of our organs. Symptoms that you may be accumulating toxins at a rate higher than your body can process include fatigue, irritability, skin problems, digestive issues, aches and pains, stress, and even other behavioral problems.

Now, I've written very much and it's time to tell you the specifics of cleansing and detox so you can get a "tune up" if you wan to try.   I'm no doctor and you need to know your body well before committing to these methods of naturally cleansing.  I'm currently on my 3rd day of Pineapple and Chlorophyll juice.

Pineapple and Chlorophyll Cleanse/Detox
PURPOSE: Kicks your metabolism into high gear naturally from the pineapple, and chlorophyll acts as super nutrients and supports your intestinal and circulatory health, so your body gets a vacation from eating bad fats, but still gets all it needs.
EXTRAS:  Lose up to 10lbs along the process. My dad and I tried it at the same time and he lost almost 12lbs, while I lost 10lbs.  The juice is really tasty too!
WHAT YOU NEED:  Natural pineapple juice (no sugars or concentrate)and lots of it, 32oz Liquid Chlorophyll from Nature's Sunshine (it's the best/purest we've tried without "adding" more unnecessary ingredients), Spirulina tablets.
WHAT TO DO:  During 7 days, all you consume is pineapple juice with the Chlorophyll in it.  Nothing else.  I combine both in a clean, empty gallon and put it in the fridge and keep refilling until the 7 days are up.  For every 8oz of juice, add a teaspoon of chlorophyll.  If I go out, I carry my bottle with this mixture inside.  Take a Spirulina tablet in the morning and again at night, varying to how much meat you're used to consuming.  So the more meat you eat, then up the ratio, read the label too.
NOTE:  The first 2 days are always the hardest, mentally.  Realize that you need to fully commit to get through it. 

Raw Foods Diet Cleanse/Detox
PURPOSE:  This really sets your whole digestive system in good, clean shape.  Your body will get a rest from toxins and soon after you end you will immediately see what foods your body does not take well or what effects they bring if you do consume them.  Even the apple of your cheeks become naturally flushed!
EXTRAS:  Lose up to 10lbs if you do the 10-day liquids.  I lost 8lbs and my father lost about 10 with this too.  Your taste buds will also become very sensible afterwards and tastes of cooked foods can be powerful and some very sour.
WHAT YOU NEED:  Raw foods and a blender. Distilled water.  If you are deficient in anything else, please, take the necessary supplements.  Raw foods are all fresh foods like vegetables and fruits.  Nothing cooked or with preservatives, nor grains or meats.  Lemon or limes to help with digestion, cleansing, flavoring, and purifying.  Other than fresh produce, you can consume raw oatmeal, EVOO (first cold pressed), sea salt, natural honey and soy milk(minimally).  No nuts.
WHAT TO DO:  Start by eating only raw foods for 2 whole days.  On the third day, you will start with liquids counting as your first day of liquid raw foods, so you need to blend everything and make smoothies. Get creative and explore how satisfying this can be.  Here, you let your digestive system not do any work as far as breaking down your foods goes and so your body will naturally focus on other parts that have been needing some work or attention.  Amazing, huh?  There are three options while on the liquid part which are 3, 5, or 10 total days of liquids.  The longer you go, the more you clean, but 10 days is very cleansing and should be done about twice a year only.  While on the liquid phase, you cannot chew gum or stimulate your mouth to produce saliva in any way.  This will set your digestion into gear and defeats the purpose of letting it rest to detox.  If you do, drink water immediately.  Finally, after your liquid phase, end with another 2 days of eating raw foods and continue eating as normal afterwards.
NOTE:  Try eating rich fruits that will help still bring in Omega3 and other good fatty acids still in your system, like avocado.  Also, consume your smoothies fresh, do not store for more than 2 hours at a time.  Also, if you cheat(meaning even a bite of that nasty hamburger), then you must start from day 1, meaning eating raw foods.  It's not that hard, but we mentally make it a battle.

Well, I hope this inspires someone to detox or cleanse.  Get to know your bodies and find out why you have certain triggers or problems.  If anything is changing that's not normal, then try a cleanse and see if it gets rid of it.  Sometimes it takes 2 weeks up to a month for your body to get rid of something bad in the system.  Otherwise, see a doctor and tell them what you really are experiencing that is bothersome.  Whether you decide to see a doctor or cleanse, do it now.  Don't wait for things to get worse or decide to live with it because it will only result in something bad in the long run that could have been prevented.

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