Check It Out

Feb 7, 2011

Making things easier...

I'm sure everyone has heard that if you have a smelly laundry batch, then pour in a bit of vinegar in the washer with your detergent and Voila!!  Well, I knew it, but I hardly used it since my vinegar was in the kitchen and laundry room on the second floor.  You see, I like cleaning one area first and then doing the rest, one at a time.  So, I didn't wanna get sidetrackes and head into the kitchen and see something and want to start there instead, when I'm cleaning/organizing/folding clothes...get it?  I figured, I don't wanna spend money buying 2 bottles and let one go to waste from not using it too much in the laundry, what to do, what to do?  I just emptied out a drinking bottle, cleaned it out, let it air dry, and poured some vinegar in there.  Recycled! 
Now I put this bottle, filled up to my comfort level, next to our detergent. Yay!

TIP:  Many people think adding more detergent makes clothes smell better. Not true, since all your doing is filling the water with more soapy junk, meaning your clothes won't absorb it as well and won't get cleaned better either.  Instead, opt for using the required(read the box) detergent measuring for your loads.  I actually use slightly less too, and it works!  Plus, you save on buying detergent later on, rather than sooner.

Do you have a metal handle fly-swatter?  Since I craft, I have magnets as well and just clinged that handle and propped it on our frigde.  It's so much easier that way to reach!  I don't get flies often, mind you, but
 when one stubborn fly races into my home from outside, I want to get rid of it fast!  I hate germs and here in Utah, the flies seem to be on steroids...they're huge!

TIP:  After getting rid of pests, make sure you run your swatter under hot water for a few seconds to quickly get rid of nasty parasites and gunk.  You don't want your kids to start playing with it after you forgot to clean it off....yuck!  It's good to whipe it down also when your cleaning your kitchen.

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